Above and Beyond Census Data
Is your census data outdated, hard to locate, and difficult to process? We understand this challenge because we've been working with demographic data from around the world for the past 20 years. At Population Explorer, we apply cutting edge advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and satellite imagery to determine population estimates with incredible resolution and accuracy. This robust data can power evaluations of disaster response, retail, real-estate, infrastructure, and many other areas.

Unified and consolidated across geography and time

Represents average daytime population density

Minimum resolution of 1,000 meters, anywhere in the world

Updated annually

Data Sources
National bureaus of statistics
Geographic Studies Branch, U.S. Bureau of Census
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
United States Geological Survey (USGS)
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ( NOAA)
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
Our Process
We first collect the highest quality indicators of global demographic distribution through our public and private data partnerships. Population Explorer developers and GIS scientists then process the data for visualization while also monitoring for any inconsistencies or errors. Finally, we provide the user with mapping tools and visual aids to quickly pull statistics and validate output for their area of interest.

Input Data
Population Explorer processes raw raster population count data from ORNL’s privately managed LandScan™ database, which provides human population estimates every 30'' x 30'' arc seconds. This area roughly translates to population estimates for 30 x 30 meter grid cells around the globe, at a scale of 1,000 square meters. Sub-national census counts apportioned to each grid cell are based on likelihood coefficients derived from AI modeling using ancillary data from satellite imagery. Land cover, roads, slope, urban areas, and village locations are among key indicators of population distribution.
Why Trust our Data?
The Population Explorer team draws experience from a wide range of organizations such as the United Nations, USAID, National Center for Atmospheric Research, and governments around the world. We have concluded that the process developed by ORNL, combined with local census data and our proprietary software, represents the most accurate and reliable spatial population distribution currently available. Our partner company, Kimetrica has relied on our data since 2010 in their work performing research, evaluation, and large scale surveys. Whether you are a business owner determining a new store placement or a government official estimating the impact of a recent crisis, our expertise in demographic data can guide you.
Validate the data yourself.
Try PopEx Software for free and compare with results from your trusted sources.