Anywhere in the world

Access truly global data
Take advantage of high-resolution satellite imagery, AI, and the best survey data available to accurately predict populations in places like Indonesia or the fast-growing economies of Africa and South America. Know your market, anywhere!
Define your territory

Map your market
Create concentric maps around your retail locations and define business territories with easy-to-use mapping tools. Then simply select the areas you have defined to pull the population statistics. You can also upload your own GIS created boundaries.
Common use cases

New store locations
Draw or upload boundaries representing potential retail sites to view population demographics of surrounding areas.

Retail territories
Generate population heat maps and download shapefiles to define territories in GIS applications.

Product distribution
Analyze population characteristics of store catchment areas to optimize product allocation.

Map your area of influence
Create your own polygon, upload one from the web, or use any of our thousands of preloaded national and subnational boundaries.

Turn on heat maps
Explore the density of populations with our demographic heat map, even in remote locations.